The Grade 2 Spelling Words theme for week 7 is: long A sound spelling words.
Here are the long A sound words for 2nd grade:
Long A Sound
- came
- case
- lay
- main
- name
- same
- say
- stay
- take
- wait
The student will learn that the following letter combinations can make the the long A sound:
- ay
- ai
- _a_e
Review Words
Here are optional review words, or words previously learned, that have the long A sound. You can opt to include as a review in this weeks spelling if desired.
Grade 1 Review Words
All of week 28 had long A sound spelling words:
- day
- may
- way
- clay
- play
- pray
- tray
- rake
- wake
- gave
In week 32:
- maybe
- made
- make
Grade 2 Review Word
From “Back to School” week 1:
- tape
Next week’s theme uses time vocabulary.
Master list of these second grade spelling words where you can download a .pdf of all 36 weeks.