Printable winter word scrambles with a picture for each word.
A fun spelling activity for kids!
Kids can unscramble 3 letter jumbled winter words to 11 letter words.
Printable winter word scrambles with a picture for each word.
A fun spelling activity for kids!
Kids can unscramble 3 letter jumbled winter words to 11 letter words.
Visualize and plan your year with a free printable 2025 one page calendar.
And if you have kids, you can download yearly and monthly 2025 calendar worksheets to help kids learn to read a calendar.
Keep track of all your December activities with a free full-page blank December calendar.
And if you have a 1st or 2nd grader, you can print out a winter and snowman themed calendar worksheet. It will give kids lots of practice reading a calendar.
8 pages of monster themed daily math worksheets for kids in 2nd & 3rd grade.
1st & 2nd graders can learn the math skill of reading a calendar with a fun coloring elephant themed calendar worksheet.
There’s also a free printable full page blank calendar for the month of November for anyone who wants one.
Perfect for the classroom or as a fun autumn activity at home
The 4th grade puzzle has 26 clues to solve.
The PDF includes answers.
Kindergarten and 1st grade worksheets to help kids learn the letter L sound.