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Kindergarten Farm Word Search

Preschoolers will love this kindergarten farm word search.

They will get to search for 10 simple farm words, including 8 farm animals.

A free printable pdf can be downloaded below.

The pdf has 4 versions of the puzzle to choose from. Print in color or black and white, with uppercase or lowercase letters.

Printable farm themed word search for kindergarten or preschoolers. 10 farm words to find in a 7 X 8 grid of lowercase large print letters. Above each word to find is a beautiful picture of the word. Kids need to find the words: barn, cat, cow, dog, duck, goat, hay, hen, pig, and sheep. An image of a tractor, rooster, and hay with a pitchfork decorate the puzzle.

Skill Level

The farm word search is an easy beginner level puzzle for preschool, pre-k or kindergarten.

It’s perfect for young learners who:

  • are new to word searches
  • could use some practice finding and identifying different letters of the alphabet
  • want to build their reading skills

Learning to Read

The word search puzzle will help children build reading skills.

Kids will be reading the word to find and then reading it again when they find the word in the puzzle.

And since most children will not have learned to read yet, a picture above each word will show what the word is.

Words to Find

The farm themed word search has 10 words to find and circle. They are hidden in a 7 X 8 grid of large print upper case or lower case letters. 

6 of the words are CVC words. The others are simple 1 syllable words.

There are farm words like:

  1. barn
  2. hay

And farm animal words like:

  1. cat
  2. cow
  3. dog
  4. duck
  5. goat
  6. hen
  7. pig
  8. sheep

The words are in the direction easiest to read – horizontally (from left to right) or vertically (from top to bottom). There are no diagonal, backwards or upside down words.

Download & Print

The free printable farm word search for kindergarten students can be downloaded free below. It comes with an answer page.

And it’s your choice whether you want to print the puzzle with uppercase or lowercase letters. Do you want it in color, or black and white to save on ink?

The black and white versions also allow the child to color the images if they wish.

The pdf has all 4 versions of the puzzle to choose from.

More Fun Farm Worksheets and Activities

Here are some fun farm themed worksheets and activities for preschoolers and kindergarten:

Answer Key

Here are the color coded answers for this preschool word search:

The color-coded answer key for a printable preschool or kindergarten farm word search for kids. The preschool word search has 10 hidden farm words in a 7 X 8 grid of letters.