If you are looking for American Sign Language (ASL) curriculum for including in your homeschooling program, here are some suggestions of ASL online programs taught by deaf ASL instructors:
Theresa (Capri + 3)
Thursday 14th of August 2014
We did some ASL when ours were pre-verbal but it trailed off once they began talking. I took ASL in college but have lost most of it. Thank you for sharing the way you are including it into your curriculum. I love your long-term planning and organization skills! Thanks for sharing on Artsy Play Wednesday.
Thursday 14th of August 2014
I've heard a lot of great things about Signing Time, but haven't tried it yet. As we start easing into our homeschool year it's definitely something I want to add. Thanks so much for sharing your plan!
Lisa Nelson
Thursday 14th of August 2014
WOW, this is very organized. It's awesome that you are teaching sign language. Thanks for sharing this great curriculum on the #homeschoollinkup! I'm pinning this to my curriculum pinterest board
Wednesday 13th of August 2014
hi, I just found your website through babycenter.ca thanks for sharing. very helpful information.