Here are 91 apple words for kids.
There are word lists for:
- 2nd grade apple themed spelling words
- apple picking
- popular apple varieties or types of apples
- apple adjectives
- parts of an apple
- food and desert related vocabulary
There are free printable word puzzles to go along with each group of apple words. The word puzzles are a fun way for kids to build their vocabulary skills and work on spelling.
Grade 2 Apple Words
Apple themed words is one of the spelling lists in grade 2. Here are the words for week 10:
- apple
- cider
- core
- peel
- pick
- pie
- seeds
- stem
- tree
- worm
Review Words
Here are the optional review words, or apple themed spelling words previously learned. You can include as a review in this weeks spelling if you so wish.
For example, if you wanted to use sentence based dictation, you might wish to include some previously learned words in your sentences.
Or if you wish your child to write a paragraph or so about apples, reviewing the previously learned words would remind them of words they have already learned to spell that they may wish to use in their writing.
Grade 1 Review Words
- cut – (week 8)
- red – (week 15)
- crab – (week 17)
- bag – (week 21)
- fell – (week 25)
- seed – (week 27)
- made – (week 32)
Grade 2 Review Words
Apple Themed Word Puzzles
Here is a fun worksheet to help kids work on vocabulary and practice the spelling of these 2nd grade apple words. It’s a printable apple crossword puzzle.
Here are some additional easy apple word puzzles for kids. They include crossword puzzles, a word search and spelling games.
Apple Picking Words
Here is a list of some apple vocabulary words related to picking apples:
- orchard
- picking
- harvest
- organic
- ladder
- trees
- peck
- basket
- bushel
- pounds
- weigh
- bite
- August
- September
And here are some of the popular types of apples:
- Fuji
- Gala
- Empire
- Spartan
- Cortland
- McIntosh
- Honeycrisp
- Golden Delicious
- Red Delicious
- Crab Apples
Here is a fun word puzzle that uses all these apple picking words. It’s a free printable apple fill in word puzzle.
Kids will be given a list of words grouped by the amount of letters in each word. And they will be challenged to fit all the words in the crossword like puzzle.
Apple Adjectives
Here are some adjectives or words that can be used to describe apples or other fruit:
- hard
- round
- sweet
- sour
- tart
- crunchy
- dried
- firm
- fresh
- fruit
- juicy
- ripe
- rotten
- bruised
- soft
- green
- yellow
- golden
- red
- yummy
- delicious
- healthy
Parts of an Apple
Vocabulary related to parts of an apple:
- pips
- pulp
- flesh
- core
- stem
- peels
- skin
- seeds
- pectin
Apple Desert Themed Words
One of the best parts about apple season, is all the yummy food and deserts you can make with apples!
You can eat:
- pie
- cake
- applesauce
- candy apples
- cinnamon
- cobbler
- caramel
- crumble
- fritter
- strudel
- apple butter
- cider
- juice
- apple cider vinegar
Another fun word puzzle that uses these apple desert words is this apple fill in puzzle.
Apple Life Cycle Vocabulary Words
Kids that are learning about the life cycle of an apple tree might encounter these words:
- seed
- plant
- germination
- sprout
- seedling
- bud
- sapling
- blossoms
- flowers
- pollination
- fruit