Could you use some division flashcards to help your child master their division facts? I’ve got you covered with free downloadable and printable flashcards for division.
These printable division flashcards have the answers on back, making it easy for your child when they need to practice by themselves. They cover the division facts 0-12. You can download them for free below.
There are 2 versions to choose from.
What You’ll Need
Save time and money with these easy DIY flashcards. Here’s what you’ll need:
- 13 pages of card stock 8 1/2 X 11 (color cardstock or plain white)
(doesn’t matter if they’re all white or sheets of various colors, whatever you have on hand or prefer) - a printer (one that prints double sided, or doesn’t)
- scissors
- downloaded pdf of the free printable division flashcards
Download Printable Division Flashcards
Let’s start by downloading a copy of the pdf. The pdf is 26 pages. It includes answer pages.
There are 2 versions of the pdf. Download the version that you prefer.
Choose Division Flashcards to Print
The first step is to choose the type of division flashcards you would like to print. I have 2 different versions for you to choose from. They are both a horizontal format.
Horizontal Version 1
Version 1 looks like this:
It has the dividend, followed by the division symbol, and then the divisor. The answers are on the back.
Get it sent to your email here:
Or you can download it here:
Horizontal Version 2
Version 2 looks like this:
Each flashcard looks like a long division problem. It has the divisor to the left of the long division sign, with the dividend underneath. The quotient is on the back.
This version can be downloaded free below and emailed to you.
How to Print these Double Sided Flashcards
Follow the easy to print instructions below.
There’s 3 different printing instructions. Use the one that is applicable to you.
- printing double sided with a printer that has the option to print double sided
- printing double sided manually
- printing flashcards without printing the answers on the back
Printing Flashcards WITH Double Sided Printer
Start by:
- putting your card stock (13 pages) in the printer
- open up the 26 page pdf that you previously downloaded (above)
- Select “File” and then “Print”
- A print window will open.
These are the settings you’ll want to set. Make sure to select:
- Actual size
- All pages
- Print on both sides of paper
- Flip on short edge
- When your settings are the way you want, press the “Print” button.
Once the flashcards have completed printing, cut them out along the lines.
Printing Double Sided Manually
Not to worry if you don’t have a printer that prints on both sides automatically. Printing on both sides manually is pretty easy as well. Just follow these steps:
- put your card stock (13 pages) in the printer
- open up the 26 page pdf that you previously downloaded (above)
- select “File” and then “Print”
- A print window will open.
- change ‘pages to print’ to page 1
- select actual size
- When your settings are the way you want, press the “Print” button.
- Make sure your printer output tray is extended if you have one. You just don’t want the paper to fall to the floor.
- Once it has finished printing, open up your paper tray again and put your card stock page back into the printer.
Do not flip the card stock over or turn the card stock in any way. Just lift the card stock, and place it back into the printer in the exact way it came out of the printer. - Close paper tray.
- On the pdf, once again, select “File” and then “Print”
- Change ‘pages to print’ to page 2
- Make sure actual size is selected.
- Press the print button.
Now that the zero page is printed, let’s print the rest of the pages:
- Once again, select “File” and then “Print” on the pdf.
- Change ‘pages to print’ to pages 3-25.
- Select ‘odd pages only’.
- Make sure actual size is selected.
- Press the print button.
- After all 12 pages have finished printing, and are in the printing tray: lift the card stock, and place it back into the printer in the exact way it came out of the printer. Do not flip the card stock over, change the order of the sheets, or turn the card stock in any way.
- Close paper tray.
- On the pdf, once again, select “File” and then “Print”
- Change ‘pages to print’ to page 4
- Change the number of copies to 12.
- Make sure actual size is selected.
- Click on print.
When the flashcards have completed printing, cut them out along the lines.
Printing Flashcards Without Answers on Back
If you decide you don’t want to bother with printing the answers on the back, then follow these easy printing instructions:
- put your card stock (13 pages) in the printer
- open up the 26 page pdf that you previously downloaded (above)
- select “File” and then “Print”
- A print window will open.
- Select ‘odd pages only’.
- Make sure actual size is selected.
- Click on print.
Once the flashcards have completed printing, cut them out along the lines.
How to Use These Division Flashcards
I’ve been using these printable math flash cards to help my 5th grader master these basic division facts.
Here are some ideas on how to use division flashcards:
- Use them with multiplication flashcards.
- With containers labeled from 0 – 12
- Around the World game if you have a classroom or multiple kids learning division
With Multiplication Flashcards
We use the division flashcards in combination with multiplication flashcards.
I chose to print our flashcards using 5 colors of cardstock. I decided to use the same color for the same times table and divisor for both the multiplication and division flashcards. For example, I used:
- color #1 for 0 & 1 (times tables & divisor)
- color #2 for 5, 10 & 11
- color #3 for 2, 3 & 4
- color #4 for 6, 7 & 8
- color #5 for 9 & 12
I started my daughter with color #2. The first day I gave her the 5 times table multiplication flashcards to master independently.
She will go through the pile and if she knows the answer fairly quickly she puts the card in one pile. If she doesn’t, she looks at the answer on the back, and puts the card in a separate pile. She continues this way until she thinks she knows the times table well.
When she feels confident, she lets me know. Then I add the division flashcards to her pile and shuffle them together. So for the 5 times table, it would be the same color flashcards with the divisor of 5.
I go through this new multiplication and division flashcard pile with her. I put any that I feel she doesn’t know as well in a separate pile to go over with her again. Usually it goes pretty quick.
The next day I give her the next times table. When it’s time for me to go over the pile with her, I will mix into the pile the previously mastered flashcards of the same color.
This continues until we’ve gone through all the flashcards from 0-12.
Using Containers Labeled from 0-12
Another method for individual student practice of division facts uses containers labeled from 0-12.
You need 13 containers each labeled with one of the numbers.
The answer (or quotient) for each of the division flashcards will be a number from 0 to 12.
The child can then go through their pile of flashcards and drop each card in the container with the number of its quotient.
Afterwards, they can check their answers by looking at the answers of the cards in each container, verifying that the answers match the number of its container.
You can use whatever type of container you choose. We’ve used:
- glass jars or yogurt containers
- 3 (or 4) pieces of letter size sheets of paper cut into quarters. Each quarter has a number written on it.
- 13 envelopes (each numbered) taped to a piece of cardboard or attached to fabric. Cardboard or fabric used or hung vertically.
We used the envelopes when we’ve traveled. It was an easy way to practice math facts on the go.
Related: Printable division games can also be a fun way to practice division facts.
Around the World Game
This math game works good in a classroom or group scenario. Ideally this would be best with at least 4 kids.
Students can be sitting at their desk or in a circle.
One child stands next to a sitting child. The parent or teacher shows the division flashcard to the 2 children.
The first child to have the correct answer continues “around the world” and goes to stand beside the next child.
The child to answer incorrectly or not as fast as the other sits down at the desk.
If desks are in rows, usually, the first child at the front of the far left or far right row gets up and stands beside the child sitting at the desk behind him. Play continues down that row and up the next, and so on. When the end (or the last kid) is reached, play continues back to the first in this circular pattern.
Around the world can be played with any math flashcards.
Wednesday 11th of January 2023
Yours are terrific, but the place that indicates your link is blank. Stuck paying Teachers Pay Teachers.
Melanie Thomas
Wednesday 11th of January 2023
Try refreshing the page. There should be 2 yellow boxes to choose from where you can enter your email to download the flashcards. If you still don't see them, try a different browser perhaps.
Tuesday 27th of September 2022
Thank you! This is perfect to help my child who is using Rod & Staff Math 3. God bless.