Could you use some multiplication flashcards to help your child master their times tables? Here are some free downloadable and printable flashcards for multiplication.
These printable multiplication flashcards have the answers on back, making it easy for your child when they need to practice by themselves. They are for the multiplication facts 0-12. You can download them for free below.
I created these flashcards for my 4th grader. She was struggling with knowing her multiplication facts quickly.
Not knowing them well really slowed her down when working on 3 digit multiplication worksheets or other more complex equations. Using the flashcards help her work on mastering these math facts.
Printable Flashcards for Multiplication
You can download a pdf of the flashcards below.
The pdf is 26 pages. There’s one page per table (0-12), with 12 flashcards per page.
13 of the pdf pages are for the multiplication questions, and the other 13 contain the answers.
The multiplication flashcards are double sided with the answers on the back. Even if your printer doesn’t have an option to print double sided, don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.
What You’ll Need
Save time and money with these easy DIY flashcards. Here’s what you’ll need:
- 13 pages of card stock 8 1/2 X 11
doesn’t matter if they’re all white or sheets of various colours, whatever you have on hand or prefer - a printer (one that prints double sided, or doesn’t)
- scissors
- downloaded pdf of the free printable multiplication flashcards
Download Printable Multiplication Flashcards
Let’s start by downloading a copy of the pdf. The pdf is 26 pages.
There are 2 versions of the pdf. Download the version that is applicable to you.
Version #1 – Printer WITH Double Sided Option
If you have a printer that has the option of printing double sided, download this version. There are 2 different types of forms below, you only need to use one.
The PDF will be emailed to you.
Version #2 – Printer WITHOUT Double Sided Option
If your printer doesn’t print double sided, download this one.
Even if you choose not to print the answers, this is still the better option for you.
How to Print these Double Sided Flashcards
Follow the printing instructions below. There’s 2 different sets of instructions (double sided option, or not). Use the one that is applicable to you.
Printing Flashcards WITH Double Sided Printer
Start by:
- putting your card stock (13 pages) in the printer
- open up the 26 page pdf that you previously downloaded (above)
- Select “File” and then “Print”
- A print window will open.
These are the settings you’ll want to set. Make sure to select:
- Actual size
- Print on both sides of paper
- Flip on short edge
- When your settings are the way you want, press the “Print” button.
- Once the flashcards have completed printing, cut them out along the lines.
Printing Flashcards WITHOUT Double Sided Printer
Don’t worry, I’ve made it really easy for you. Just follow these steps:
- put your card stock (13 pages) in the printer
- open up the 26 page pdf that you previously downloaded (above)
- Select “File” and then “Print”
- A print window will open.
- change ‘pages to print’ to pages 1-13
- select actual size
- When your settings are the way you want, press the “Print” button.
- Make sure your printer output tray is extended if you have one. You just don’t want the paper to fall to the floor.
If you decide you don’t want the answers on the back, then you can now cut the card stock along the lines and you will have all 156 flashcards.
If you do want the answers continue the steps below:
- Once it has finished printing, open up your paper tray again and put your 13 pages of card stock back into the printer. This is the important part: Do not flip the card stock over, change the order of the sheets, or turn the card stock in any way. Just lift the card stock, and place it back into the printer in the exact way it came out of the printer.
Optional step, if you feel more comfortable to do a test print on paper (to avoid possibly wasting card stock). If not, then jump to step 10 below.
If so, then place a sheet of paper in paper tray. No problem that it’s over your card stock. Print page 13 (don’t forget actual size). Once it’s finished printing put it back in paper tray the same way you did in step 9. Then print page 14. Check both sides of the paper to verify that answers on back printed correctly.
- Close paper tray.
- On the pdf, once again, select “File” and then “Print”
- Make sure actual size is selected.
- change pages to print page 14
- Press the print button.
- After this page has printed, verify that it printed correctly. For example, check that the “7” is on the exact opposite side that the “1 X 7” flash card is located. If it looks good, continue onto step 16.
- Once again, select “File” and then “Print” on the pdf.
- change pages to print page 15-26
- Press the print button.
- Once the flashcards have completed printing, cut them out along the lines.
Congratulations, you should now have a set of flashcards to help teach your kids their multiplication facts.
How We Use The Multiplication Flashcards
Currently we use them for about 3 or 4 minutes every morning. It doesn’t take long at all, but it helps my daughter improve her active recall.
We work on one times table at a time. I shuffle them and show my daughter each flashcard, one at a time.
If she knows the answer relatively fast, it goes in one pile. Any she needs a little more practice with go in another.
Then we focus on the few cards in the more challenging pile. Sometimes I go thru this pile, telling her the answers, but when I do I make sure to also say the question. For example: “3 X 7 = 21”.
Engaging multiple senses, hearing the full equation out loud, while looking at the flashcard, helps with retention.
Then it’s her turn. Sometimes I ask her to first say the factors out loud, before saying the product (answer), adding the sense of her hearing herself say the equation.
And one last time thru the tougher pile, with her only needing to say the answer (number) as quickly as she can.
It sounds like a lot of steps writing it out like that, but really the whole thing only takes a few short minutes each day, and really helps her speed and knowing them by memory.
We often use these flashcards along with these printable division flashcards.
More Multiplication Printables & Worksheets
Here are some fun worksheets to help kids practice their multiplication facts. It’s perfect for 3rd grade or 4th grade students or even older grades:
- Africa color by number multiplication activity
- United States multiplication color by number colouring activity
- apple skip counting worksheets
- a Who Am I? multiplication game
- a printable multiplication chart 1-12 is another good tool to help kids.
If you prefer to buy already printed flashcards, here are some great options (affiliate links):
You can find more free printable multiplication activities for kids here.
Friday 22nd of September 2023
Thank you so much Tree valley Academy.... These flash cards are really helpful.
Saturday 18th of February 2023
Joanne Holliday
Friday 3rd of February 2023
Thank you so much for this free service. I truly appreciate it.
Ms. Holliday
Wednesday 11th of January 2023
I wish there was a way to print without having to install something.
Melanie Thomas
Wednesday 11th of January 2023
What do you mean? There's nothing to install that I know of.
Friday 4th of March 2022
I can't seem to find the link to download. thanks
Melanie Thomas
Friday 4th of March 2022
There's 2 possible download links, depending on which version you choose. You'll see them under the subheading "Download Printable Multiplication Flashcards".
There's a purple box and a navy blue box that says "Get your freebie here". You need to enter your email address in the box you choose, and click on the "Join our Community" button. Then it will automatically open for you.
If you don't see them for some reason, try reloading your page.