Learning addition strategies helps kids learn to add the faster more efficient way. I created 31 pages of addition strategies worksheets to help kids learn these very useful skills. Why I Created These Addition Strategies Worksheets The short answer is I saw a need. I had spent quite some time with my daughter mastering addition. She’s pretty …
I honestly don’t know how I stumbled across this type of mental math. Then I watched YouTube videos of kids calculating in their head faster than you could find the answer using a calculator, and I was intrigued. It’s basically using an abacus to do calculations and then gradually learning to visualize the abacus in …
The theme of this months Poppins Book Nook is “Countries Around The World”. The children’s book I choose is one of my favourites: “The Day The Crayons Came Home”. In the story, a little boy named Duncan get’s a strange stack of postcards in the mail from some of his crayons that he forgot about …
Hour of Code During the week of December 4-10, 2017 tens of millions of students around the world will be participating in a global movement known as “Hour of Code”. The goal of this hour of code is quite simply to expose as many kids as possible to the world of coding. Of course learning …
There are so many great resources available for homeschooling parents to teach art history to even the younger school aged children. I have a 5-year-old so finding resources that make art history fun to learn and appropriate for her age is my endeavour. I’m sharing the best videos, books, and activities I have found that will …
So did you and your children get to watch the lunar eclipse this past Sunday? The previous 2 lunar eclipses my daughter and I had made plans to watch, but both times the weather didn’t co-operate. The first time we were going to meet some friends at a boat dock for a middle of the night picnic eclipse …
I love making hand made cards for people. They’re a great opportunity to try out various art techniques, and they are a wonderful way to give joy to others, which in turn gives me joy. ow that I’m a parent, I try to share that love with my daughter. Besides being an art activity and a …
Bullying is a hot topic in schools and has become an important subject even in our home school. Since I’ve become a parent, I have come to realize just how young bullying starts. Bullying is not just reserved for older school aged children. Kids can form clicks, exclude and be mean to other children at quite …
Here are over 20 books kids that love “Frozen” are sure to enjoy. Starting with the book that started it all. The story that the movie “Frozen” was inspired by, the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen: #1 – The Snow Queen Frozen Books for Toddlers #2 – Anna Loves Elsa #3 – Olaf Welcomes …