Welcome to this weeks number bonds worksheets. This week’s free math worksheets are focused on the number seven. Learning the number bonds to 7, and writing the number seven both in words and the number are weaved throughout the worksheets.
My daughter was watching me create some of the worksheets this week and she begged me to print her out the rainbow page. I know I’m on the right track when she’s begging me to hurry up. I take a lot of cues from her on what she would find fun to do. One thing I know I have to include one day is something that involves fairies, sparkles, and pink. I guess whichever week I do that I will have to make an additional boy version as well.
To begin at the beginning of this series, go to the pre-lesson or the number zero.
The number 7 worksheets can be downloaded free below.
It also includes a page with the letter tiles, in case you don’t already have them from previous lessons. They’re needed so your child can choose the correct letters that spell SEVEN to glue on the first page.
I hope your child is enjoying learning math. Next week we’ll be jumping into the number 8.
Thursday 23rd of April 2020
Hi - thank you so much for all these fantastic number bond worksheets. My children love doing them - I cant find the download link for Number Bond 7 - can you check please. Very much appreciated Terry
Melanie Thomas
Thursday 23rd of April 2020
Hi Terry, sorry about that. Several of my download links stopped working recently, so I've been going through to individually re-add them. The link for the 7 worksheets is now back up.
Glad your children are enjoying them, makes me happy. :)
Wednesday 31st of October 2018
Thank you so much for these. Really helpful.
Monday 16th of February 2015
Thanks so much for linking up at Totally Terrific Tuesday! I hope you come link up again this week. The party starts at 10pm Monday night!
Tuesday 10th of February 2015
Thanks Natasha. I'm usually outside the box lol.
Tuesday 10th of February 2015
Your printables are really nice and different from the ones I see normally