Welcome the new school year with this list of over 225 school words.
There’s school vocabulary words grouped alphabetically and by theme. There’s school terms grouped by:
- A to Z
- school supplies
- school subjects

Click on the following link if you’re looking for school spelling words.
School Words from A – Z
First, here is a list of school words in alphabetical order:
- absent
- academic
- admission
- agenda
- algebra
- alphabet
- answers
- Arithmetic
- Art
- assembly
- assignment
- atlas
- attendance
- auditorium
- awards
- backpack
- Back to School
- binder
- Biology
- blackboard
- bookmarks
- books
- boys
- bus
- cafeteria
- calculator
- calendar
- chair
- chalkboard
- Chemistry
- class
- classmate
- classroom
- college
- colored pencils
- computers
- construction paper
- correct
- course
- crayons
- credits
- curriculum
- desk
- detention
- dictionary
- diploma
- division
- Drama
- dress code
- drill
- Economics
- education
- electives
- elementary
- English
- enrolled
- equation
- eraser
- essay
- Ethics
- exam
- excel
- experiment
- extracurricular
- failed
- field trip
- flashcards
- foreign language
- French
- friends
- Geography
- Geometry
- girls
- globe
- glue (glue stick)
- grade(s)
- graduate
- graduation
- grammar
- graph paper
- group
- guidance counselor
- Gym (gymnasium)
- hall pass
- Health
- highlighter
- high school
- History
- homeschooling
- homeroom
- homework
- Honor Roll
- ink
- instruction
- instructor
- internet
- janitor
- journal
- junior
- kids
- kindergarten
- knowledge
- K-12
- lab
- language
- Language Arts
- laptop
- learn
- lesson
- library
- line up
- literature
- lockers
- lunch
- lunchroom
- mark
- markers
- maps
- Math
- mathematics
- memorize
- microscope
- middle school
- multiplication
- Music
- notebook
- novels
- numbers
- office
- online learning
- oral presentation
- outside
- paint
- paper
- parent teacher (association, conference, interviews, meeting, night)
- passed
- pencil
- pencil case
- pencil sharpeener
- pens
- period
- phonics
- Physical Education
- Physics
- playground
- preschool
- presentation
- primary
- principal
- private
- project
- protractor
- public (school / speaking)
- pupil
- questions
- quiz
- reading
- recess
- report card
- ruler
- schedule
- scholarship
- school
- school bus
- Science
- scissors
- seats
- secondary
- semester
- senior
- sharpener
- sixth
- smart
- snack
- Social Studies
- sophomore
- Spanish
- speech
- spelling
- sports
- staples
- student
- study
- subject
- substitute
- study
- summer school
- supplies
- tape
- teach (taught)
- teacher
- teamwork
- technology
- test
- textbook
- thesaurus
- track and field
- truancy
- tutor
- underline
- uniform
- unit
- university
- Valedictorian
- vice principal
- virtual learning
- vocabulary
- vocational school
- watercolors
- water fountain
- whiteboard
- Wi-Fi
- words
- work
- workbook
- worksheet
- writing
- x-axis
- yard
- year
- yearbook
- youth
- zero
- zoom
School Themed Word Lists
School Supplies
Here is a vocabulary list of common school supplies:
- agenda
- backpack
- binders
- books
- calculator
- chalk
- colored pencils
- combination lock
- computer
- construction paper
- crayons
- dictionary
- eraser
- Geometry set
- glue
- glue stick
- graph paper
- highlighters
- laptop
- lunch box
- markers
- notebook
- oil pastels
- paint
- paper
- pencils
- pencil case
- pencil crayons
- pencil sharpener
- pens
- protractor
- ruler
- scissors
- subject dividers
- tape
- thesaurus
- water bottle
- workbooks
Did we forget one? Let us know any school supply words we missed in the comments below.
School Subjects
The core school subjects usually include:
- Language Arts
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
English or Language Arts classes or could be further broken down into:
- Reading
- Spelling
- Writing
Math classes could be:
- Algebra
- Arithmetic
- Calculus
- Geometry
- Pre-algebra
- Statistics
- Trigonometry
Science classes could include:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
Social Studies could include:
- Geography
- History
Other common school subjects are:
- Art
- Computers
- Drama
- Foreign Language
- French
- German
- Spanish, etc.
- Library
- Music
- Physical Education (P.E.)
- Health
Did we miss a subject? Let us know in the comments below. Lunch and recess don’t count, lol.
Back to School Word Puzzles and Activities
Here are some fun printable back to school word puzzles and activities that use many of these school vocabulary words:
- back to school word searches for 2nd, 3rd, or 4th graders
- 5th grade word search
- 6th grade word search
- difficult back to school word search for elementary students ready for a challenge
- back to school crossword puzzles for 2nd, 3rd, or 4th graders
- back to school word scrambles
- back to school fill in puzzles
Or try these back to school themed spelling words.
Thursday 11th of July 2024
can you make like more hard ones thanks!!
Wednesday 17th of May 2023
This needs more creative words. Instead of simple ones like books,pencil,teacher,chair,student,etc.
Thursday 11th of July 2024
@Teacher, theres grade 1 students who need words like that
Tuesday 19th of September 2023
@Teacher, to me they're pretty helpful.