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Back to School Word Unscramble

Looking for a printable back to school activity? Let me suggest one of these free back to school word scramble puzzles.

Students will need to unscramble the jumbled back to school words.

When all the words are unscrambled, they will discover a mystery message. The message is the answer to a back to school joke(s).

There are 3 printable puzzles with varying levels of difficulty.

The answer key is included in the downloaded pdf. You can also see the answers at the bottom of this post.

Back to school word scrambles for kids. 3 free printable black and white pages. Beside each scrambled word there are squares, circles and sometimes triangles to place the unjumbled letters in. Afterward the letters in circles and triangles can be used to spell the answer to a back to school joke.

Easy Elementary Word Scramble

This first back to school word scramble is the easiest one. A lot of 4 or 5 letter words, and a 6 letter word.

The words of this puzzle are all second grade spelling words.

Easy back to school word scramble printable with answers. There's 10 jumbled school words for elementary aged kids to unscramble.  The words are between 4 and 6 letters long and are 2nd grade spelling words.  When all the words are unscrambled, the letters in circles and hexagons will reveal a mystery message. The message is the answer to two back to school jokes.

It has 10 jumbled school themed words.

After putting the mixed up letters in the right order, the student will be rewarded with the answers to 2 back to school jokes.

For those that are learning the themed grade 2 spelling words, this activity would be a nice complement to the back to school themed week. The unscrambled words are the back to school words of that week, and it would be an additional practice to help learn the spelling of those words.

Word Scramble for Kids

This next word scramble printable is a step up in difficulty from the first.

There’s still a few 4 and 5 letter words, but there’s a lot more 6 letter words and even a 7 letter word.

Free printable back to school word scramble printable with answers. There's 13 jumbled school words.  The words are between 4 and 7 letters long and are 3rd grade spelling words.  When all the words are unscrambled, the letters in circles, triangles and hexagons will reveal the answer to a back to school joke. Black and white printable has 4 small images that kids can color if they wish.

This one uses the words of the back to school spelling words of 3rd grade.

There are 13 school themed words to unscramble. Words like quiz, lesson, class and pencil.

After completion, the child will get the answer to another school themed riddle.

School Word Scramble Worksheet

And this last one is probably the most challenging.

Free printable back to school word scramble printable with answers. There's 14 jumbled school words for upper elementary kids or older to unscramble.  The words are between 5 and 9 letters long and are 4th grade spelling words.  When all the words are unscrambled, the letters in circles, triangles and hexagons will reveal the answer to a back to school joke.

There are 14 jumbled words, most of them being 7-9 letter words, with a 5 letter word and a couple of 6 letter words.

The words are grade 4 spelling words, so there are no unheard of impossible words. There are words like backpack, project, or subjects.

But no worries, if the student gets stuck, answers are included in this free printable pdf.

Back to School Word Scramble Pdf

All 3 printable word scrambles can be downloaded free below.

The pdf includes an answer sheet to check your answers.

More Back to School Activities

Here are some more printable back to school activities you can give to students at the beginning of the school year:

Back to School Word Scramble Answer Key

Here are the answers to the word scrambles above. The answer key is also included in the downloaded pdf.

Easy Word Scramble Answers:

  • TAPE
  • TEST
  • GLUE
  • DONE
  • DESK
  • WORK

What kind of teacher passes gas?: A TUTOR

Who is the king of the pencil case?: THE RULER

Medium Word Scramble Answers:

  • MARK
  • EXAM
  • QUIZ

Why don’t you see giraffes in elementary school?


Hard Word Scramble Answers:


Why was the school cafeteria clock behind on the first day of school?


You can find more fun printable word scrambles for kids here.

Tuesday 11th of April 2023

love it

Monday 16th of August 2021

thank you for making these available


Thursday 15th of August 2019

These look like a lot of fun! What a cute idea.

Karla Cook

Thursday 8th of August 2019

How fun to have back-to-school themed worksheets! Thanks for making these available!