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2nd Grade Spelling Weeks 1-6

Here is a 2nd lesson plan for spelling in weeks 1 to 6.

For each week you will see:

  • the spelling words
  • review words – previously learned words that go along with the week’s theme
  • an up to date list of any free printable spelling worksheets for the week
  • phonics skills to teach during the week
  • a suggested 5 day lesson plan for learning the spelling words of the week
  • sentences to dictate

Jump to the lesson plan for:

Week 1 Lesson Plan

Theme: Back to School

The back to school spelling words for the week are:

  1. study
  2. learn
  3. teach
  4. work
  5. done
  6. test
  7. answer
  8. desk
  9. tape
  10. glue


Review Words

Here is a list of school themed words that were previously learned 1st grade spelling words. It’s optional, and only for those that might wish to briefly review with their child some of the previously learned school words.

The first 3 words below are included in the dictation sentences:

  • spell
  • write
  • kid
  • bin
  • number
  • words
  • bag
  • map

Phonics Skills to Work On This Week

  • Introduce the consonant blend SK. It was not in the first grade spelling words and appears for the first time in this week’s spelling words.
  • Review the basics of making a noun plural. For most nouns you only need to add an S to make it plural. But you need to add an ES to words that end in S, X, CH or SH.
  • Teach kids that the ING sound is made with I N G, and that adding ING to the end of a word will make that sound.

Possible Schedule

Here is a possible schedule for spelling this week if you have a 5 day school week:

Day 1

  • introduce the SK sound
    • words that begin with an SK sound: ski, sky, skip, skirt, skate, skunk, skull
  • have your child read this weeks words aloud with you
  • while you are going over them, ask phonics questions for each word like:
    • which letter in “answer” is silent?
    • which letter (i.e. in the word tape) makes the letter A a long A sound?
    • what sound does the y make in the word study?
  • give your child the printable word search to do

Day 2

  • go over any of the review words you feel your child might need to review
  • crossword puzzle to work on vocabulary and spelling of the weekly words
  • the first page of these plural noun worksheets is a good way to review the very basics of making a noun plural

Day 3

  • teach the suffix ING
    • review words like: studying, learning, teaching, working, testing
  • the printable word scramble

Day 4

Day 5

Week 2

Theme: ER, IR & OR (R Controlled Vowels)

  1. birth
  2. born
  3. corn
  4. form
  5. over
  6. short
  7. sir
  8. under
  9. very
  10. world


Review Words

Here are some previously learned ER, IR and OR spelling words:

  • her
  • answer
  • number
  • water
  • other
  • first
  • or
  • for
  • work
  • word

Phonics Skills To Work On This Week

  • R controlled vowels ER, IR and OR
  • teach the suffix ER:
    • we add ER to adjectives when we are comparing two items. Review words like shorter, taller, smaller, longer and deeper.
    • We also add ER to verbs when we mean a person who does something. Review words like worker, teacher, player, speller, singer, and writer.
    • The most important thing for them to remember is that they need to add ER when spelling when they hear the ER sound at the end of a word.

Possible Schedule

Day 1

  • go over the ER words on this printable bossy R word search. Put a special focus on the 3 words of this words spelling list: over, under and very. Briefly ask some verbal questions like: What letter makes the E sound in very? What letters make the UN sound in under?
  • Have the child find the 8 ER words on the word search puzzle.
  • Teach the ER suffix. (See phonics skills section above)

Day 2

  • go over the IR words on the word search with a focus on the words sir and birth. A possible verbal question is: what makes the TH sound in the word birth?
  • go over the OR words on the word search. Focus is on the words born, corn, form, short, and world.
  • they can finish the word search

Day 3

  • On a lined paper, have them write 3 separate headings on the top: ER, IR and OR. Draw 2 vertical lines to make 3 distinct columns. Ask them to write each of the 10 weekly words in their correct column.
  • dictate sentence #1

Day 4

Day 5

Week 3

Theme: Long E Sound (EE & EA words)

  1. beat
  2. eat
  3. feel
  4. keep
  5. near
  6. real
  7. seat
  8. seem
  9. seen
  10. speak


Review Words

These are the previously learned words with a long E sound:

  • be
  • me
  • we
  • she
  • see
  • deep
  • feed
  • seed
  • these
  • study
  • very
  • each
  • reach
  • teach

Phonics Skills To Work On This Week

The focus this week is learning about the long E sound. A long E sound can be made by an:

  • E
  • EE
  • EA
  • Y at the end of word with more than one syllable
  • EY (like in the word key)
  • E_E (like in the word these)

Possible Schedule

Day 1

  • have them find the EA words of this long E word search
  • teach them the saying: “when 2 vowels go walking, the first one does the talking”. Most of the time when 2 vowels are next to each other, you can hear the long vowel of the first letter, but the second one is usually silent. This is very applicable to the EA words.

Day 2

  • teach them other letter combinations where you might hear a long E sound (i.e. E, EE, EY, E_E, and Y at the end of a 2 or more syllable word)
  • they can finish the word search finding all of the EE words

Day 3

  • On a lined paper, write 2 headings EE and EA. Draw a line to make 2 separate columns. Ask your child to write each of the weekly words in the correct column.
  • dictate sentence #1

Day 4

Day 5

Week 4

Theme: Long I Sound

  1. die
  2. drive
  3. lie
  4. line
  5. mine
  6. rise
  7. side
  8. try
  9. why
  10. wire

Review Words

The long I spelling words learned in 1st grade:

  • I
  • my
  • by
  • write
  • find
  • like
  • time

Phonics Skills To Work On This Week

The focus this week is learning about the long I sound. A long I sound can be made by:

  • IE
  • Y at the end of a one syllable word
  • I_E (i.e. ice or line)
  • I at the end of a syllable (i.e. tiger or spider)
  • IGH words (i.e. light, night or high)
  • IND or ILD words (i.e. find or child) – we’ll focus more on these words at a later week

Possible Schedule

Day 1

  • On a lined paper, write 3 headings IE, Y and I_E. Draw 2 lines to make 3 separate columns. Ask your child to write each of the weekly words in the correct column.

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Week 5

Theme: Math

  1. add
  2. count
  3. less
  4. math
  5. minus
  6. plus
  7. subtract
  8. sum
  9. total
  10. wide


Review Words

Here are some of the previously learned math words. The first 11 words (up to the word line) are in this weeks spelling dictation:

  • is
  • and
  • about
  • one
  • two
  • number
  • test
  • work
  • deep
  • study
  • line
  • over
  • under
  • side
  • by
  • more
  • many
  • each
  • long
  • time

Possible Schedule

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Week 6

Theme: Numbers

  1. three
  2. four
  3. five
  4. six
  5. seven
  6. eight
  7. nine
  8. ten
  9. odd
  10. even

Review Words

The review words are any of the math words above as well as:

  • one
  • two
  • number
  • many

Phonics Skills to Work On This Week

  • the letter x sound


There are several number words worksheets:

  • matching number word to number in digits worksheet
  • word shape puzzle
  • word scramble and word search
  • word maze
  • crossword puzzle

Possible Schedule

Day 1

Day 2

  • word scramble and word search

Day 3

  • word maze
  • crossword puzzle

Day 4

Day 5