I wanted to do a treasure map activity with my 6 year old to teach her some mapping skills. I told her we were going to pretend to be pirates and go on a backyard treasure hunt. The first step would be learning how to draw a treasure map for kids. A quick learn-from-my-mistake word …
Educational Play
We received a subscription to Reading Eggs for my 7 year old. A Reading Eggs subscription gives full access to: Reading Eggs Junior (2-4 year olds) Reading Eggs (3-7 year olds / beginner to Grade 1 reading level) Reading Eggspress (7-13 year olds / Grade 1-6) Mathseeds (3-9 year olds / Kindergarten-Grade 3) My 7 year old …
Apple themed vocabulary and spelling activities that kids will love doing.
Kid friendly crossword puzzles, a word search, a fun spelling game and more.
I have decided my daughter will continue her “Animal Studies” learning about local animals, animals she can actually study in real life herself. We are currently studying the chipmunk. If she were older I would give her a notebook to take outside to jot down her observations on the chipmunk. She’s only 4. Although she can …
Here is about a weeks worth of fun Earth Day lesson plans and printable Earth Day activities for elementary students around 1st or 2nd grade. There are: Kids will learn Earth Day vocabulary, and to read, write, and spell 35 Earth Day words. These printable save planet earth word puzzles and games will make learning …
Most every child at some point is asked to learn their multiplication facts. I had not yet begun multiplication with my 6 year old so when I was given a subscription to Times Alive in exchange for my honest review, I gladly accepted. Times Alive from Times Tables the Fun Way is a monthly subscription to 18 online lessons with animated songs …
My daughter was able to complete almost every math skill at the Kindergarten level without too much effort. But there was one major skill that she struggled with – money. Rather than frustrate her with learning something she wasn’t ready for just yet, we left the money section incomplete for the time being and moved …
If you’re looking for educational toys for 6 year olds, I’ve got you covered. Whether your kids love science, building things, arts & crafts, robots, coding, math or puzzles, here are some great toys for kids to learn while they play. Science Toys For Kids… Beginner Electronic Discovery Kit Kids will get to create working electronic circuits, learning …
Aviation Day is a great time to introduce kids to the world of flight and airplanes. Aviation Day in Canada is on February 23rd of each year, and in the United States it falls on August 19th. My 6 year old has asked me on more than one occasion: “How do planes fly?” It might take …